Prayer Chain
Lutheran World Relief [ Download Document ]
Stretch your hearts and hands to help people in need.
Anyone can work on a quilt or kit project. It strengthens fellowship within the congregation, serves as a faith witness to your community and brings you closer to your global neighbors.
Anyone can work on a quilt or kit project. It strengthens fellowship within the congregation, serves as a faith witness to your community and brings you closer to your global neighbors.

Our Savior’s Lutheran Quilters usually meet to work on a project.
Please call Diane Dunkel at 472-0366 for more information.
Kits of Care are collected by the Bible Study Circles at Our Savior’s. The Joy/Peace Circle collects items for School Kits.
Contact Diane Dangel at 472-1942 for more information.
Prayer Shawls & Baby Caps:
Contact Kathy Yungwirth at 472-2584 for more information.
Please call Diane Dunkel at 472-0366 for more information.
Kits of Care are collected by the Bible Study Circles at Our Savior’s. The Joy/Peace Circle collects items for School Kits.
Contact Diane Dangel at 472-1942 for more information.
Prayer Shawls & Baby Caps:
Contact Kathy Yungwirth at 472-2584 for more information.