We look for volunteers to assist with our worship each week.
Some very important roles we depend on are:
Some very important roles we depend on are:
- Accompanists who play piano/organ each week to lead our music and liturgy.
- Sound techs who run our sound system, set up microphones and connect our Sunday worship to a radio broadcast.
- Acolytes (young people) who are trained in fourth grade to assist with candle-lighting and Communion.
- Money Counters who meet after worship to count the offerings and deliver the money to the bank.
We also sign up volunteers on a weekly basis to assist in worship and fellowship hour in various ways:
- Greeters who stand in the entry and greet those coming to worship.
- Ushers who hand out bulletins, receive offering and direct people forward for Communion.
- Communion Set-up who set up the trays for Holy Communion prior to worship and put them away afterwards.
- Communion Assistants who help during worship to hand out the elements—bread and wine.
- Lectors who read the scripture readings for the day.
- Musicians, in addition to the accompanists, who might form a choir or sing or play an instrument at worship as a solo or small group special music piece.
- Deacons who once a month (usually the second Sundays) take Holy Communion to those not able to attend worship with us at the church.
- Fellowship Providers who bring food Sunday mornings to be shared at our fellowship time after worship.
- Fellowship Servers who prepare the coffee and serve the food during fellowship hour and do clean-up afterwards.
Our Worship Committee is responsible to recruit worship assistants and provide the training necessary for those who would volunteer to assist.